Living History Newsletters.

Living History Newsletter 2018

November Newsletter 2018

  • We remembered Them.
  • Report from the AGM. Norman Taylor.
  • Editors note, Call for Articles, Copyright, Subscriptions, E-copy.
  • Cockgate School - Pam Edwards, former pupil remembers her time at the school.
  • The School at Cock Gate. Rhianon Turrell
  • Sir Richard Croft and the Battle of Mortimer’s Cross (1461). Ian Mortimer. 

Living History Newsletter 2017

November Newsletter 2017

• Baptismal Record for the Parish of Yarpole 1857- 1918: Analysis of Christian Names by Brian Mitchell
• Ernest Mitchell by Ron Shaw

May Newsletter 2017

  • Message from Norman Taylor incoming chair of the Living History Group.
  • Sir Herbert Archer Croft
  • Virginia Cottage, Yarpole

Living History Newsletter 2016

October Newsletter 2016

  • Russell Harry Price by Ron Shaw
  • Yarpole Women's Institute 1920 to 1995 by Rhianon Turrell

May Newsletter 2016

  • Kevill Davies
  • Yarpole Registers

Living History Newsletter 2015

December Newsletter 2015

  • Charles Griffiths by Ron Shaw
  • The Richard Savage Wedding Clock by Rhianon Turrell

July Nesletter 2015

  • The Earlier Church
  • GHQ Auxiliary Units

April Newsletter 2015

  • Living History Group news
  • Home Guard 75th Anniversay
  • Phillips Acre, Yarpole
  • World War 1 Commemoration
  • From little acorns might oaks do grow
  • Worls War 1 Centenary Panel

Living History Newsletter 2014

March Newsletter 2014

  • Yarpole Trestle Bier, an update
  • War Grave in the Burial Ground at Yarpole
  • The Gatehouse, an historical conundrum

October Newsletter 2014

  • Tawny Owlet
  • War Grave in the Burial Ground, Yarpole

Living History Newsletters 2013

December Newsletter 2013

  • The Stained Glass windows, St Leonard's Church

October Newsletter 2013

  • Yarpole Shop & Post Office - 1967 - 1970

June Newsletter 2013

  • The Domesday Boundary

March Newsletter 2013

  • The Icon Paintings at St Leonard's Church
  • The Parish Clock

Living History Newsletters 2012

December Newsletter 2012

  •  Ayshore dwelling, Lucton
  • Jottings by Norah Barker

October Newsletter 2012

  • The Church of St.Leonard - The List of Incumbents 
  • The Church of St.Leonard - The Three Banners
  • The Church of St.Leonard - Memorial Brass Plates

June Newsletter 2012

  • Lucton Church Acount Books
  • The Parish Coffin

March Newsletter 2012

  • Lucton War Memorial
  • Yarpole & Croft War Memorial
  • The Methodist Church

Living History Newsletters 2011

December 2011

  • The Vestry Coatrack at St Leonard's Church
  • Report on the Visit to Croft Quarries

October 2011

  • Yarpole 1841

June 2011

  • Yarpole Post Office
  • Local Place Names 2

March Newsletter 2011

  • Dating St Leonard's Church, Yarpole
  • The Demise of the High Brown Fritillary on Bircher Common
  • Lordship of the four ancient Manors

Living History Newsletters 2010

December 2010

  • History of Ayshore dwelling, Lucton
  • Local Place Names 1
  • Spotted Flycatchers
  • Erythristic Badgers

October 2010

  • Yarpole Community Project

June 2010

  • Field names in the Parish of Yarpole Part 2
  • Olfield

March 2010

  • Yarpole, Bircher Lucton & Croft - The 1665 Hearth Tax Assessment
  • Bus Shelters

Living History Newsletters 2009

December 2009

  • The 'Croft Dendroglyph'
  • Shoe Found in the Chimney of the Manor House

October 2009

  • Field names in the Parish of Yarpole Part 1
  • The Bell Tower - summarised

June 2009

  • Parish Nature - Cicerbita macrophylla
  • Millicent Godding's Memories Part 2

March 2009

  • St Leonard's Church - 3 Lock Cabinet Chest
  • Millicent Godding's Memories Part 1

Living History Newsletters 2008

December 2008

  • The Church of St. Leonard. The 1982 Restoration
  • Yarpole – 1979
  • The Yarpole Educational Foundation

October 2008

  • The Gough Family
  • The History of Croft 1800-1923 continued
  • The Parish Armoury
  • 'The Rye-way'

June 2008

  • Monumental Inscriptions in Yarpole Burial Ground
  • The History of Croft – 1800-1923
  • The Church of St. Leonard: The Weathercock

March 2008

  •  The 'Mistletoe Tree'

  • The New Footbridge
  • The Old Gatehouse
  • The Parish Plan
  • The Spanish Chestnuts at Croft
  • The Pollarded Ash Trees on Bircher Common
  • The Church of St. Leonard: Living History A Curiosity:

Living History Newsletters 2007

December Newsletter 2007

  • Liturgical Colours
  • ‘Yarpole’ A View from the Outside

October Newsletter 2007

  • The History of Croft—1746—1800
  • May Talbot: interview

June newsletter 2007

  • The Parish Pound
  • Quaker Wedding in Yarpole in 1686

Easter Newsletter 2007

  • The Ancient Yew Tree, St Leonard’s Church
  • Stoneybrook, Yarpole

Living History Newsletters 2006.

December Newsletter 2006

  • Slime Moulds
  • Cyril Griffiths: interview

September Newsletter 2006

  • The Story of St Leonard
  • The Yarpole/Bircher War Memorial

July Newsletter 2006

  • The Doomsday Anomaly
  • The BellTower 2

May Newsletter 2006

  • Spring Butterflies in Yarpole
  • Fishpool Valley, Croft

Living History Newsletters 2005.

December Newsletter 2005

  • War Memorials - James J Brooks, Bircher
  • Barbara Griffiths: Interview

September Newsletter 2005

  • The Biers
  • Milestones

 June Newsletter 2005

  • The Anglo Saxons
  • Battle of Mortimer’s Cross 1461
  • Lime Kiln in Fishpool Valley

Easter Newsletter 2005

  • War Memorials – Thomas Harold, Lucton
  • ‘Charlie’, Bircher 1920’s
  • Emily Bayliss: interview

Living History Newsletters 2004.

December Newsletter 2004

  • The Bell Tower at St Leonard's Church
  • The Bells at Yarpole
  • The School at Cock Gate, Yarpole

August Newsletter 2004

  • Monumental Inscriptions
  • The Roman Era
  • War Memorials – Jack Tomlinson, Luston

June Newsletter 2004

  • Croft Ambrey, Iron Age Hill Fort
  • The Mediaeval Floor Tiles at Croft Church

Spring Newsletter 2004

  • Caring for God’s Acre
  • Stories from the Parish Council Chest

Living History Newsletters 2003.

December Newsletter 2003

  • Early Settlers
  • Reverend Kelly’s Directory of 1895

October Newsletter 2003

  • Glow worms
  • Victorian Tiles at St Leonard’s Church

The First Newsletter 2003

  • Introduction to Living History
  • Landscape
  • High Brown Fritillary Butterfly
  • Badgers