Our Mission Statement.

• To provide a sustainable and attractive shop which will deliver valued products and services to the whole community.

• In addition the shop will enable social engagement across the whole parish and will use its surplus funds to develop the business and to support a range of community projects and needs.

Yarpole Community Shop Association privacy statement can be accessed here.



                Yarpole Community Shop (The Shop in the Church)

                                                               Green Lane Yarpole Leominster HR6 0BB


 belltowerlogo2                                 5 of 5 stars            Shop open Monday to Friday – 9.00am to 5.00pm

                                              Saturday – 9.00am to 1.00pm

                                              Sunday & Bank Holidays - closed (pre-ordered newspapers available)                                                     

Post Office open 9.00 - 12 midday Monday to Saturday.                                              

        Royal Mail Collection 11.00am weekdays.                         

Telephone: 01568 780148 Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.                   

Why not become a Shareholder and help secure the future of our Shop? Shares cost just £10.00. Shareholders of our community co-operative are entitled to elect the board of managers, vote at the AGM and apply for a customer account at the shop.

Apply to become a Shareholder. 

The Shop is managed by a Shop management Board made up of volunteers. The Board is always in need of committed people to help secure the future of the community shop. 

Apply to become a Board Member.


Summer goodies

Moorcourt is now delivering both strawberries and raspberries to us three tmes a week: on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.
For those who haven't come across Moorcourt before, it’s a family-run farm near Lyonshall. They nurture, grow and handpick their berries. Time and tme again, people tell
us how they can never buy supermarket soſt fruit again as these berries are the sort that one rarely finds now. Burstng with flavour and goodness they are a league apart and justly renowned.

If you would like to reserve any then either call us on 01568 780148 or e-mail us (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ) or pop in and see what else we can tempt you with!

Naturally, we are now also selling the delicious West Country meringue nests which always prove popular as they are made with just egg white and sugar and are just as good as homemade.

We do, of course, also have plenty of double cream from Bartonsham Farm, and for those who prefer their berries served with a drizzle of chocolate sauce we also have Belgian sugared waffles.

We have been delighted to welcome a new supplier to our shelves in the form of Scrumptous Cakes, a small bakery which has been set up in nearby Kimbolton. Every
Tuesday we are receiving a delivery of freshly-baked cake portons; ideal for when you want a treat for ‘just me’ or maybe more, but not an entre cake. From chocolate brownies, to Victoria sponge and lemon drizzle these cakes are delicious as the sales have shown.

Annual Members’ Meetng:

A big thank you to all of the shareholders who turned out for our annual members’ meetng on 6 June. It was well atended and comfortably quorate.

We confirmed that 2023 had been a good solid year in the shop, despite pressure from the rising cost of electricity, as well as major increases in the cost of many stock products. We made a conscious decision to avoid passing on price increases as much as we could and nonetheless the shop made a very modest profit. Sadly, it wasn’t sufficient to make any community grants available this year but we hope that next year will be less challenging.

An Easy way to support our shop.

If you shop online then you might like to consider signing up with Easy Fundraising - this is an online scheme that many well known retailers and brands are signed up to.
It won’t cost you anything but the member businesses will make a small donation to your chosen good cause - Yarpole Community Shop - if you choose us. There are about 130 people already supporting us and we do benefit every year by around £200 so it is well worth doing and costs nothing. Thank you.
The web address is: Easyfundraising.co.uk

The church, the Gallery Café and Yarpole Community Shop - the beating heart of our community.

 Yarpole Community Shop account holders:

Message to all account holders. We would be very grateful if account holders could use BACS to settle their accounts on a monthly basis. Cheque and credit card payments incur the Shop in a charge.

If you are able to pay by BACS/Faster payment then these are the details you need:

Account Name: Yarpole Community Shop

Sort Code: 60-83-01

Account Number: 20387813

In the Reference field please enter the full name of the shop account holder whose account you are paying.

If you wish to become an account holder please use the link. Yarpole Shop Account Application Form. 

In order to become an Account Holder you must be a Shareholder. To apply to become a Shareholder click on the link here.

Our shop and Post Office are what helps to make Yarpole the great place it is.

If you feel you would like to volunteer in either the Café or the Shop please follow the link. Volunteer here.

The Shop was voted Best Village Shop & Post Office in the UK in 2010 in the Countryside Alliance Awards. A group from the shop travelled to the House of Lords to be presented with the award.



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