Volunteering oportunities in Yarpole Parish.

What do you like about our Parish?

What do you think is good about living in our parish?

  • the many activities on offer?
  • the frequent music, theatre, film and other entertainments?
  • having a shop on your doorstep?
  • being able to enjoy an affordable cup of coffee and meet friends in the café?
  • having two good venues – the Church and Parish Hall?
  • all the opportunities to make new friends?

There is so much to value about our parish, but everything that goes on here depends on people who volunteer their time – people like you.

Our community is fantastic at getting stuck in, but sometimes volunteers need a break, or they move away. If the great things we value about our parish are to continue, new volunteers are urgently needed.

There are so many ways you can help. It doesn’t matter whether you can spare time on a regular basis, or would prefer just to contribute occasionally, your input could help secure the shop, café and all the other activities that benefit us all. Currently we have nearly 20 groups looking for more people to help, so there’s bound to be an opportunity that’s just right for you!

To find out how you can help, even if it’s just occasionally, please get in touch by emailing This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

If you want our parish to be as good a place to live in the future as it is now, please get in touch. Your Parish needs you!