The Parishioner - the home of the Yarpole Parish Magazine, for news, view events, comments, church services and much more.

The Parishioner has existed in its present form since the beginning of 2011, but there has been a Yarpole parish magazine for many years, with several different editors and changes in format. 380 copies are printed which go out to every household in the parish. 5 audio copies are also produced by the RNIB for parishioners with visual impairments. The magazine is free; the costs are met by advertising and donations in the collection box in the shop. There are 10 issues per year, omitting January and August.

The deadline for contributions is the 10th of the previous month, and these should be sent to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. For those without email, written copy can be left in the newsletter box file in the shop.

The parishioner welcomes adverts which can be be 1/8th page (£5), quarter page (£7.50) or half page (£10). Its format is A5 so a half page advert is A6 size. Enquiries can be sent to the email address above.

The current newsletter team is:
Hetty Scott and Lynne O'Sullivan - editing (we do alternate months)
 Paul Humphrey - Commissioning Editor
Adam Scott - advertising and admin
Jim and Val Ainsworth - proof-reading
Josie Woodfield and Nic Treece - distribution, with their team of local distributors:
Emily Allen, Brenda Bashford, Christine Cheshire, Liz Connelly, Anne Dobson, Alan Godding, Mr Grafton, Gilly Lloyd, Morwenna Lloyd and Paul in Lucton, Jenny Orpin, Jan Price, Deborah Rackham, Sue Smith, Norman Taylor and Rob Woolley. 
 Please send in your news and comments, and use the newsletter to publicise any forthcoming events. This is what makes The Parishioner a real community newsletter.

 Here is the current issue:

September 2024

2024 09 Sept

July/August 2024

July 2024

June 2024

June 2024

May 2024

2024 05 May

April 2024

March 2024

2024 03 March

February 2024

2024 02 Feb

December 2023/January 2024

2023 12 Dec

November 2023

2023 11 Nov

October 2023

 2023 10 Oct

September 2023

2023 09 Sept

July/August 2023

2023 07 July

June 2023

2023 06 June