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Yarpole is a parish of 700 people situated in North Herefordshire, midway between the market towns of Leominster to the south and Ludlow to the north. Visit Leominster Western Parishes regularly to see Matthew’s updates, including posts from Bishop Richard and Archdeacon Derek.

The Parish of Yarpole is unusual in that there are two working parish churches. St Leonard's situated in the village of Yarpole and St Michael and All Angels Church situated next to Croft Castle, a National Trust property. Many visitors assume that the church is managed by the National Trust as it is part of a visit to the estate. The National Trust does not contribute to the running costs of St Michael and All Angels church.

St Michael and All Angels Church at Croft. The small church is situated in the grounds of Croft Castle, owned by the National Trust. The church, however, is still a working church and is looked after by the Parish. 

Money is always needed to help with the maintenance of these two lovely churches.

The churches of St Leonard’s and St Michael’s take seriously the care and protection of adults and children. If you have any concerns please contact: Jane Higgins, Parish Safeguarding Officer – 07717 452350 or 01568 708390, Matthew Burns, vicar – 01568 614399 or Mandy McPhee, Diocesan Safeguarding Advisor – 07875 757396.

Anyone wishing to contact a priest please phone:
Rev. Matthew Burns on 01568 614399, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

For other information please phone: Priory Office 612124 Monday to Friday 9.30 – 1.00
Churchwardens This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (515303), This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (708390)

Safeguarding Policy.

This policy applies to St Leonard’s and to St Michaels and All Angels Croft.

Croft with Yarpole and Lucton PCC takes a ‘whole Church’ approach to safeguarding. This means that all organisations, Church bodies, officers and ministers involved in activities at St Leonard’s and Croft are committed to consistent safeguarding policy and practice. Everyone associated with our churches who comes into contact with children, young people and adults, has a role to play in safeguarding.

If you have any concerns please contact: Jane Higgins (Parish Safeguarding Officer) 07717 452350 / 01568 708390, Val Ainsworth (Assistant Safeguarding Officer) 01568 780807​, Matthew Burns (vicar) – 01568 614399 or Mandy McPhee (Diocesan Safeguarding Advisor) 07875 757396.

To read the Safeguarding Policy, please follow the link.

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