The Living History Group came into being following the production of the Millennium Map booklet. A group decided to follow up various projects stimulated by the original work, covering the whole parish – Bicton, Bircher, Bircher Common, Croft, Lucton and Yarpole.

These cover many aspects of the history and wildlife of the Parish and are published in our quarterly newsletter, which is circulated to members for a small subscription.

The articles are being published on the Parish website.

Current projects include the transcription of the Parish Registers, research into World War I and World War II, including casualties, survivors and life on the Home Front, and family and parish history.

Involvement in these interest groups is not dependant on formal membership as they are open to anyone with an interest in the Parish.

We currently have about 40 members and hold our A.G.M. in the Village Hall in October.

We mount displays at various parish functions and organise meetings & talks of historical interest. We also contribute items to the Parishioner.

We are always keen to acquire memories, photos, house histories and nature observations relating to the parish and welcome contributions of articles for inclusion in our newsletter.

Please contact
Nancy Morgan for further information. Telephone: 01568 780761

Living history WW1

Part of our World War I commemorative display November 2014.