Yarpole Community survey results.

There were many and varied views on all the facilities in the village and ideas as to how things could be improved. The various bodies received the comments relating to their field of activity. All the offers of help will also be followed up, so expect to hear from someone wanting to take you up on your offer.

The Talk Community Hub / YPGNS Committee is exploring the suggestions listed below:

• Develop opportunities for evening exercise activities.
• Develop and source funding for a children's play area and equipment.
• Investigate the possibility of improving mobile reception in the village. (This has been referred to the Parish Council)
• Open the opportunity for the youth of the village to communicate their own interests possibly using the Parishioner and village website.
• Develop a new "Men's Shed" group.
• Liaise with other organisations to form a satellite local "Memory Group".
• Investigate with the U3A the feasibility of developing a local centre.
• Establishing a computer and mobile phone tuition group.

To see the complete result of the Community Survey click on the link.