People have worshipped in our churches for centuries, and today we still have a lively worshipping community.

  • Everybody is welcome to our services. Whether you're a believer, a non-believer or would just like to know more, we'd love you to come along.
  • We organise a range of different services, including both traditional and non-traditional, so we hope we offer something for everyone.
  • We hope we're warm, friendly and inclusive.

In this parish we are fortunate in having a priest to celebrate Holy Communion on three Sundays of every month.  On the first Sunday of each month, the service is normally held at St Michael and All Angels Church, in the grounds of Croft Castle. On other Sundays, the services are at St Leonard's Church, Yarpole.

On each fourth Sunday, we gather for worship, normally without a priest, and the form of worship is devised and led by members of the congregation or others invited from outside the parish.   We seek to worship God in a manner that is open to all, irrespective of creed, and we warmly welcome those who are exploring. Each service has a different theme that is relevant to our community. Because these gatherings are put together by individuals, they vary widely in form and content, but all are intended to be inclusive, informal, uplifting and enjoyable. Do come and join us and see what you think.

Our parish is one of eight parishes in the Western Division of the Leominster Team Ministry, whose central church is Leominster Priory.

If there is a fifth Sunday in the month, there is usually a joint communion service for all eight parishes in the group, which takes place in a different one of the group's churches each time.

 We hope you'll come and join us. For more information, contact Churchwardens This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (515303), This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (708390)

Anyone wishing to contact a priest please phone Rev. Matthew Burns on 01568 614399, email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

To arrange weddings, baptisms and funerals please phone the Priory Office on 01568 612124, Monday to Friday 9.30-13.00.


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