
Mission Statement: To provide the kind of practical assistance and support that a good neighbour would offer.

The Good Neighbour Scheme is a free service supporting the community with a team of volunteers to help people who are having difficulty with the ordinary things of everyday life.

The Scheme is for anyone of any age and circumstances living in the Yarpole Parish, which includes Bicton, Bircher, Bircher Common, Cock Gate and Lucton.

The Scheme helps by doing the small things that make a big difference – the things that good neighbours do for each other. Here are a few examples: 

                                               Fetching prescriptions or library books                                              

 Running errands and shopping

Practical tasks at home, such as changing a light bulb or hanging a picture

Filling in forms or writing letters

Walking and / or feeding pets

Finding out about other sources of help

Occasional light gardening or sweeping

Lifts for medical appointments

Occasional family back-up

Calling in for a chat

Coaching in using your computer

Yarpole Parish Good Neighbour Scheme needs New Good Neighbours!

Over the last 9 years the Yarpole Good Neighbour Scheme volunteers have completed over 780 tasks for members of our community, including lifts to health-related appointments, small tasks around the garden or home – changing light bulbs, delivering groceries and prescriptions, collecting shopping, dog walking, to name but a few!

We have a group of volunteers who are generous with their time, but we would welcome additional help with tasks and sitting on the Committee.

If you think you can help us in this or any other way, please contact the Co-ordinator on duty on 07885 525776.

Remember you are in control of how much time you give.

We rely on donations from our “clients” and although the Scheme is not expensive to run it does incur regular expenses, the most expensive being Public Liability Insurance and the telephone. If you would like to make a donation to enable us to keep the service running, please place it in an envelope in the Good Neighbour Scheme box in the shop.


Call us anytime on 07885 525776. If you have to leave a message one of our volunteer co-ordinators will ring you back as soon as they can. 

Whatever your need, just ask; we will do our best to help.


Membership is free and is open to anyone regardless of where they live or whether they use or volunteer for the Scheme. Contact us on 07885 525776 for an application form.


Chair  – Val Ainsworth

Telephone Co-ordinators - David Edwards, Jane Praill, Anna Morley

Treasurer – Linda Mckinley

Managing Committee –Val Ainsworth, Linda Mckinley, David Edwards, Jane Praill, Anna Morley