Events Calendar

Yarpole Gardeners Questions
Thursday 18 May 2023, 07:00pm - 09:00pm
Hits : 122

Yarpole Gardeners’ Questions
 Would you like to know why your wisteria doesn’t flower or how to grow the perfect carrot?
Our panel of experts will be here to answer your questions on Thursday 18th May at 7.00pm In the Parish Hall.

On the panel will be:

Ian Fotheringham, a keen amateur gardener, whose gardening mentor was his grandfather. His main interest is growing fruit and vegetables;

Steve Lloyd, who is Head Gardener at Hergest Croft. He began working at Hergest in 1980 and has a particular interest in hardy, woody trees and shrubs;

Sue Russell, author of the Curious Gardener and former nurserywoman. She was Chair of the RHS Pinks Committee and has lectured widely on horticulture.

Tickets for the evening will cost £10 (to include tea and biscuits).

Please sign the list in St Leonard’s Church (beside the screen) to book your seat. You are invited to submit your questions in advance, in an envelope clearly addressed to Yarpole
Gardeners’ Questions, to Yarpole Community Shop or at the beginning of the evening.

Proceeds from this event and that of the Open Garden at Highwood are in aid of St Leonard’s Management, the Parochial Church Council and the Parish Hall.

Location Yarpole Parish Hall