Events Calendar

Lent Prayer Course
Tuesday 07 March 2023, 07:30pm - 08:30pm
Hits : 399
Contact Rose Jenkins (PCC Secretary) at 01568 780536 or email me at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..  
This year we are running a Lent course at St. Leonard’s Church starting on Tuesday 14th February. 
“The Prayer Course”, it is an eight-week journey through the Lord’s Prayer. It has been designed and is presented (online) by Pete Grieg who is the author of “How To Pray: A Simple Guide for Normal People” and founder of Each session is based around a video, a guide for small group discussion with practical ideas for prayer and will be facilitated by Philippa Wright from Leominster Priory. 
The sessions will run from 7.30pm for approximately an hour. You are welcome to join us for either the whole programme or just one or two sessions. They are offered as part of the Hereford Diocese Year of Prayer.  
If ever there was a moment when the world needed effective prayers, then now must be that time. We hope you will join us. If you want to know more or discuss the course please contact me Rose Jenkins (PCC Secretary) at 01568 780536 or email me at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..  
Location St Leonard's Church, Yarpole. HR6 0BD